Confidentiality and Privacy Policy

Anew Care Counseling Services LLC

Protecting Patient-Therapist Relationships

The law is very protective of the relationship between a patient and a psychotherapist. Thus, information learned during a session usually cannot be disclosed without the written permission of the patient. If you have any questions regarding further details about these policies, please contact Anew Care Counseling Services LLC at your convenience.

Exceptions to Confidentiality Include

  • Suspected child abuse or dependent adult or elder abuse, for which we are required by law to report to the appropriate authorities immediately
  • If a patient is threatening serious bodily harm to another person or persons, we must notify the police and inform the intended victim
  • If a patient intends to harm himself or herself, we will make every effort to enlist their cooperation to ensure their safety. If they do not cooperate, we will take further measures without their permission provided by law to ensure their safety


Counseling for a Better Life

Call us to schedule your FREE consultation.

(240) 603-6527

(240) 603-6527

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